Sunday, June 19, 2016

Welcome to the Mandela Effect Support Group

The reason I created this group is there are so many websites for the Mandela Effect but none that really supply any support, true interaction and discussions between believers of the Effect.

This is not for debunkers or others who seek to discredit those of us who fear we are caught up in the Effect and some of us may find it quite disturbing. Anyone posting therefore, who is abusive, disrespectful or just seeks to intimidate or post unsuitable remarks will be removed and stopped from using this facility.

For ME people, Old Earthers, please do comment so we can discuss any more information you want or want to share.

Look forward to hearing from you, and thanks for stopping by !

Old Earther


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was first alerted to the Mandela Effect in August of 2016. I'm a more rare individual in that I experience most (but not every example) of cited MEs, and some which no one else I know of connects to MEs. I'm a bit surprised that basically no one has commented here. There is indeed a serious void in the area of support groups. While the initial shock and awe has worn off, I still search for answers almost daily. I feel led to do more. To perhaps form an awareness and support community of some kind, which it appears you have attempted here. One of the most disturbing things that happened was while texting a friend about the "what if we died" theory some time in September 2016, auto-correct changed a totally unrelated phrase to "Ye Ghost".

  3. I too search for answers as to why we have been moved to this reality. I researched Dolores Cannon's work as she wrote a lot about the New Earth. I've read about Quantum Shifts and the Simulation Theory, and have just about lost all my spirituality because of this. If we are just data in the Matrix then where is God in all of this? Do we have a Higher Self, or a Soul, or individual consciousness, or are we just SIMS characters moving through the program. I view everything now as though I'm just a data set on a hard drive in a huge quantum computer. I don't know what happens when we die, or if we just continue on moving from one reality to another.

    1. In a sense we are data, but we are more. We are conscious life forms. Atoms will to create life, but intelligence alone does not beget consciousness. Don't be deceived into losing yourself. Humans are quite adept at mathematical measurement; still, there are some forces we have yet to measure (such as the mind, which is truly infinite).

  4. My son came home with berenstain bear books from school .He had pronounced the name wrong and I corrected him . He said no mama it is berenstain. I asked him since when . It is berenstein bears . At that point I did research to show him I was correct . Boy did my world crash that day .
    What happen to us? How can this happen ? How can people not question what was isn't ?
