Sunday, June 19, 2016

Stranger in a Strange Land

When did you first notice that something was "wrong"/notice the Mandel Effect? Was it simply that something in your memory had altered?

Do you also feel as if you "belong" here or not?

Very interested to know your views.


  1. Several years ago, I noticed a difference. I don't recall exactly what it was, but since then, and especially now, I sense that something's just not right. I hope others find this page, and we can begin a serious, logical, fact-based discussion about why we have such different recollections of what has actually happened on THIS planet. Let the Wild Rumpus begin!

  2. I just realized last night that my reality has changed. Over the last month or so I had been searching ufos, God, illuminati, new world order, then I found this mandela effect. Something was guiding me to all these things and I thought I
    was losing my mind. The reality I once knew was changing. The sun looks different, the sky is full of Chem trails. The government is openly corrupt being controlled by outside influential groups. I feel like I woke up into a world of repression. I see things for what they really are. I think freely do my research and fact check. I was never like this before. I thought it was because I broke out of their mind control that seems to plauge the nation. It's hard to grasp that we're part of some conspiracy theory. Mkultra did cross my mind but not in the way they think. For me it was on a much larger scale using time and space alterations to manipulate the consciousness. I'm living in a new world. It's more than just the different memories of our world that effects me. I truly feel like I'm a different person. We need to get a mass of people on here to help each other cope with how we feel. I'll put the word out about this group. Thanks for setting this up.

  3. I only just found out about the ME less than a week ago, and i'm having a blast. i remember both of most of the examples and i think these new a different things popping up are fun. For me i honestly feel like people are getting too caught up in the hows of it cern,dwave, hopi indians, 11 11 doorway, mayans, whatever weird shit they are doing on bohemian island, illuminutiz. to me thats not needed. i was talking to a freidn and she said if you are hear now and you remember then you need not going to identify her personal beliefs so we will say... you need to blank your blank with the blank of blank. I'm thinking if i got here without having blank all the blanks then aren't you putting chicken before the egg here? I think there are some interesting conversations to be had. If ME is a thing then everything we have build on is invalid and you really need to take a hard look at this life thing you are doing. As a race we want to protect ourselves from the negative. Less life,food,comfort. yes we are a courageous and curious race butt hats after we know we arent about die and our family is safe and we have a next meal coming.We make a building block with our lives so that the next generating can stand on it and reach higher. EVERYTHING up now is built on this. If the past is no longer going to be the same thing every time we look back at it for comfort, then we need a whole new model for life.

  4. I first noticed ME a few years ago. I noticed differences in trivial things, such as brand logos, and just assumed big companies were redesigning their logos and products. Then, 2 years ago when I was pregnant I bought some children's books and noticed "Berenstain." I assumed it was a typo, until recently when YouTube brought it to my attention that this is a widely discussed phenomenon. It is relieving to know I am not alone in these experiences. There are many differences that I am absolutely certain of. Naysayers who are unaffected don't really belong in the discussion, as they lack perspective. Whether we figure out the why or how is not as important as adjusting well, and assisting those who struggle with the adjustment.

  5. There must be a support group with phone numbers. A blog is not enough. What is happening is truly disturbing. Life now has developed far worse than what we could have possibly imagined in much more normal times
